الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015


Many people are ditching their doonas and braving the elements to train for some pretty awesome endurance events over the next few months. What a great way to boost your health and fitness and get that energy flowing through your body. Nutrition is a vital but often overlooked element of a training program. Training for any event takes planning and perseverance, especially if you are pushing your physical boundaries. An increased training load not only puts your body under extra stress but also amps up your nutritional requirements.
Over the next 4 weeks, we will give you the nutritional tools you need for peak performance – Including how to:
  • Nourish and fuel your body during training
  • Choose amazing pre and post training snacks
  • Hydrate effectively
  • Plan for race day
  • Kick start your post race recovery
Eating a nourishing diet will help you to:
  • Meet your nutrition and energy requirements
  • Promote recovery and tissue growth and repair
  • Prime your body for optimal health on race day
  • Improve endurance performance
  • Reduce or delay fatigue during training and racing
A healthy meal should be made up of quality carbohydrate, protein and healthy unsaturated fats.
CARBOHYDRATES – (primary source of energy)
LEAN PROTEIN –  (growth, repair of lean muscle, immune health)
HEALTHY FAT -   (vitamin absorbtion, immune health, fuel source)
 are the preferred energy source for the body as they will satisfy energy needs and support muscle recovery afterwards. We store small amounts in our liver and muscles as glycogen, which our liver breaks down into glucose during exercise and releases into the bloodstream for energy. The muscles and brain use this glucose, as well as their own residual glycogen supplies, to fuel their work. When our glycogen stores are depleted we become fatigued, making it harder to sustain higher intensities. Blood sugar levels may drop, compounding fatigue and leaving you feeling pretty awful – anyone who has ‘hit the wall’ would agree. Adequate carbohydrate intake is very important and will determine how much glycogen is stored ready for use during training. The amount of carbohydrate you need depends on your activity level and duration of your training sessions and what is important is the quality of the carbohydrate that is eaten. Natural wholefood and unprocessed sources are best such as vegetables, fruits, oats, beans etc.
PROTEIN:Whenever the body is growing, repairing or replacing tissue, proteins are involved. They are found in your skin, bones, muscle and all your organ tissue. The body prefers to reserve its protein stores for functional purposes rather than breaking them down to use as energy. Training for an endurance event increases your protein requirements, as your body is continually repairing and adapting in response to each session. Adequate protein intake is very important to keep up with these changes and ensure that protein synthesis is supported for quick recovery and optimal performance. Your protein requirements will depend on many factors including gender, size, muscle mass, activity level and training intensity. Check out the healthy chef protein calculatorhere to work out your individual daily requirement as well as the best sources of protein.
FAT:Fat’s are essential for digestion, vitamin absorption, hormone production and immune health. Fat is the other primary fuel for working muscles during exercise. Fats are the building blocks for cell walls and hormones, transporters of vitamins A, D, E, K and essential for bone and immune health. Inadequate fat stores and intake can lead to major health complications. My favourites are the Mediterranean style mono-unsaturated (oleic) oils and omega 3 oils which are anti-inflammatory to the body and can help the fight against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, help lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, nourish the immune system and reduce symptoms of arthritis and depression.  Studies show that these healthy fats are associated with a longer healthy life. Top of my list are cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, macadamia nuts, avocado, flaxseeds, walnuts and almonds.

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