الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

TEN useful fitness tips for busy mums

There are many ways that busy mums, families, young people, office workers and older adults can build physical activity into their lives. Being physically active is easier than you think, especially if you make activity part of your daily routine. For most of us, except older adults, daily chores such as shopping or housework don't count towards your activity target. This is because your body doesn't work hard enough to get your heart rate up.The amount of activity you need to do each week depends on your age. Click on the links below to find out how much exercise you should be doing:
Fitness for busy mums
Set a time for physical activity and stick to it. You're more likely to find time to be active if you do it at the same time and on the same days each week. Split activity up throughout the day. You can achieve your target in bouts of 10 minutes or more. 
Try these 10-minute workouts.
  • Walk your children to and from school. This will also help them develop a pattern of physical activity.
  • Be active with your child. Take them to the swimming pool or play in the garden or park. Watch a video on exercising with kids.
  • Take up running. Running is an effective and straightforward way of exercising. If you're just starting, try our popular Couch to 5K running plan.
  • Get a free personal trainer with Strength and Flex, a five-week exercise workout plan to increase strength and flexibility.
  • Join a child-friendly gym. Find a fitness class or club that allows children in or that offers childcare during a workout.
  • Set up a buggy group with other mums and go on long walks with the children.
  • Exercise DVDs allow you to get a good workout without having to leave your house. Exercising at home is easy to fit around your daily routine.
  • Exercise during your lunch break. Your office may have a gym, or you may have access to a nearby swimming pool or squash courts.
  • Cycle or walk part, if not all, of your journey to work. Get off one bus or tube stop before your final destination. Find out more about cycling for beginners.
  • For advice on exercising after pregnancy, read Keeping fit and healthy with a baby.

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